Accessibility Audits


Take the First Step to Serving a Billion More People 

Web可访问性,或eAccessibility,现在比以往任何时候都更重要. 万维网是数十亿人日常生活中必不可少的一部分. Unfortunately, 仍然有许多网站和工具是残疾人无法访问的. According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion people in the world have some form of disability. 让每个人都能访问你的网站,无论残疾与否,这似乎是一项艰巨的任务. 然而,在设计网站时考虑可访问性不仅是可行的,而且是必要的. In this white paper, we will explore what accessibility is, the challenges you may face, and why it’s important. Additionally, mg官方游戏中心将讨论mg官方游戏中心所做的工作,并提供市场概况和一些有趣的背景统计数据,以帮助您了解对网站进行更改如何使您的业务受益. 

The Complication of Accessibility 

如前所述,为每个人设计一个网站或应用程序是很困难的. Disabilities come in different forms, 每一种都需要不同的方法来确保网络内容的可访问性. 影响网页可访问性的一些常见残疾类型包括视觉障碍, hearing, cognitive, and physical disabilities, as well as socio-economic restrictions on bandwidth and speed. 超过1%的互联网用户患有癫痫症,这可能是由网站上闪烁的图像引发的. 此外,十二分之一的男性是色盲,四分之一的人有某种形式的残疾. 这些统计数据应该足以让任何人相信网页可访问性的重要性. 

Moser Has Your Solution


无障碍设计关注的是残疾人如何从网站中获益, system, or application, regardless of how the user accesses the website or tool. 在整个开发过程中考虑可访问性是至关重要的,以确保最终产品具有包容性. When websites and web tools are designed and coded properly, people with disabilities can use them seamlessly. By following accessibility guidelines, you expand your client base to include all potential customers. 

At Moser Consulting, mg官方游戏中心理解将业务范围扩大到所有潜在客户的重要性, regardless of disability.

Creating apps that are accessible and usable by everyone, including those with disabilities, is a top priority for us. mg官方游戏中心的团队致力于通过创建自定义应用程序来增加可访问性,从而创建所有可访问的应用程序. Additionally, 当mg官方游戏中心在国家人类服务机构的权限下承担申请责任时, mg官方游戏中心不仅纠正和增强了主门户的可用性和可访问性, but also the other supporting components. 

在设计网站和应用程序时,考虑可访问性不仅会使你的内容更具包容性,而且对你的业务也有好处. Over 1 billion people in the world have some form of disability, 作为网站和应用程序开发人员,mg官方游戏中心有义务确保mg官方游戏中心为每个人创造包容性和可访问的工具. By leveraging empathy and understanding, mg官方游戏中心可以为人们遇到的问题找到正确的解决方案.

Designing websites and applications with accessibility


Over 1 billion people

in the world have some form of disability, 作为网站和应用程序开发人员,mg官方游戏中心有义务确保mg官方游戏中心为每个人创造包容性和可访问的工具.

Leveraging empathy and understanding


At Moser Consulting, mg官方游戏中心致力于确保mg官方游戏中心开发的所有网站和应用程序都符合无障碍标准. By choosing Moser Consulting as your development partner, 您可以放心,您正在与了解可访问性重要性的专家合作,并致力于为技术问题提供创新的解决方案.


Listen to our podcast about App Services!

RoBert hosting a podcast episode

S4E9: Progressive Web Apps with Matt Bennett

Matt Bennett, VP of Application Services at Moser, explains what progressive web apps are, how they are built, and the advantages of using them over a native application.

S4E2: Application Development with Matt Bennett

Moser的应用服务副总裁本周加入mg官方游戏中心讨论应用开发. Our process for developing apps at Moser, how it starts, the different steps in that process, the importance of your impact during it, and much more.

S5E5: Steven Peavey and Generative AI

Steven Peavey, Moser的应用服务部门战略总监加入了mg官方游戏中心今天的节目. We're going to be talking about Generative AI. Steven has been with Moser Consulting for 6 years. Prior to becoming a director, he was a developer, designer, scrum master, product owner, and engagement manager.